On Tue, 8 Jan 2002, Odeluga, Ken wrote:
> Great music, but I wish someone would deal with his grammar before
> publishing his notes. It's embarrassing. Might be due to the fact that
> they're usually put out by companies in countries where English is language
> II ...

Mills isn't stupid or illiterate. I've thought often I could punch up
his pronouncements, but I believe he's saying exactly what he means to say.
I thought his Every Dog 3 essay was actually pretty sneaky and clever.
He's talking as directly as he can about what, to my mind, is the central
theme of his music.

Just because someone's writing is difficult doesn't mean it's bad.  If you
want to deal with artists who are easy to understand, check out David Lee
Roth. If anyone wants me to annotate that little essay for them, I will.

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