There should be no difference between a james brown bassline and a dx100 bassline. If the writing is there, the writing is there. Good techno should be every bit as funky as a p-funk record or a james brown record. The problem is that everybody's expectations are so low that they will let producers get away with any old shit with a kick drum.

You listen to Computerworld by Kraftwerk, which to me is the best Techno album that has ever been made, and compare it to James Brown. You are going to find a ton of similarities, and the reason is that Kraftwerk were real musicians(not jokers with a hacked copy of Acid) and they knew how James Brown songs worked and could write those grooves on sequencers. All Computerworld is is a James Brown record made with sequencers and they talked about international finance rather than how Poppa was a bad ass dude.

We get suckered into thinking that music is totally different, when it is all the same underneath. Musicians may paint their houses different colors, but they all use the same set of tools to build their house. The reason that Techno doesn't have funk basslines is because it stopped being the Black and Gay music of the 80's and became the elitist, testosterone-fueled, hetero-white dude music of the late 90's. If you want techno to be funky again, you gotta strip out all the industrial influence that has been messing things up since those early UR records.

Techno is supposed to be warm and funky, it is not supposed to be the kind of shit that is so hard and fast that the only thing you can do is wave your fist in the air and scream. You gotta give it up to Mills, because the man is absolutely on point, Techno is not going to be that Wrath Of The Punisher stuff, it is going to be Every Dog Has It's Day.

When he goes into those pop clubs and tears shit up, it is going to completely change the audience for techno in the UK. All those kids who are 'avin it with trance and going to have a musical revelation when Mills goes in there and shows them how it is supposed to be done. I genuinely believe that the direction of techno going to change when after he plays those clubs. The UK press will be eating out of his hands, and the rest of the world follows the UK press.

Anyway, enough of my ranting for tonight, I am supposed to be getting work done right now...

Take care,

From: Dan Sicko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Mike Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: Re[2]: [313] educating the kiddies
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 13:11:16 -0500

'Funky' really seems to be the most overloaded word in electronic music. I was cringing when I read the start of this thread. Techno is 'funky'? Well it sure isn't funky the way The Meters, James Brown, Prince or Red Hot Chili Peppers
are funky. Most techno doesn't even have a funk-derived bass line.

I hear you ... the only worse adjective is "jazzy."

However, I always point to those crazy Derrick May DX-100 sequences
as being funky. Something about his programming and the quality of
the sounds themselves sound as funky as any traditional bass line.
But that's just me. And that's certainly *not*  most techno records.


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