This is true, this is true. Its also true that it does sometimes bother me when people dont like the same music as I do, I dont know why exactly. I realised this myself when was writing the email (you might notice its a little self sarcastic, if that's the word for it), but went ahead because I thought it might provoke some disscussion.

My theory on why it has bugged me is not just because I don't care for trance personally (mostly the pop-trance as I call it, and I really dont hate all that much) its that I don't hear, for example, people who are into _only_ drum and bass, or _only_ hardcore. But I run into people who are only into trance. And I feel a little like i'm watching the child who has been given a wonderous gift, but tossed it aside to play with the gift box. Its not that I want to force them to like what I do as much as it is that I want them to realise how much more there is.

I get the same way about books I like, too.


On 2002.01.29 15:45 "Jongsma, K.J." wrote:
I agree, why do you want to 'educate' we all like diferent things eg
Rob T.
likes mangos for breakfast and i like my bike.

Just show some respect to those 'raver kiddies', they like their music
the same way you like your techno beats. This makes the music a lot


PS. Anyone knows how to show those drum-loop-addicted-hardcore-techno-freaks
what real pure techno is :)

> I think it's difficult to "teach" people you refer to as
> "trance kiddies"
> without sounding like a "pompous asshole" because you will,
> most likely, be
> seen as a pompous asshole unless you first respect the level that
> "trance kiddies" are at.  Just because someone likes trance
> music doesn't
> mean that their taste in music is limited - you don't like
> trance - that's
> a limitation too.  When ever I have attempted to "teach" someone
> techno it falls on deaf ears - no one wants to hear the
> Gospel According to
> #1 Techno Fan. It's better to inform someone about the ENTIRE
> history of
> electronic music is by letting them see something like the
> Modulations film
> - make it entertaining. That way they learn a little bit of
> what _you_ want
> them to learn, plus learn about the context of the music as
> well.  Give 'em
> a good book to read like Ecstasy Generation or the All Music Guide
> Electronica - then maybe later Techno Rebels. I think for
> most readers you
> have to go into the latter book with some curiosity about
> techno. Of course
> there is the chance that they may never like techno -  there
> are lots of
> nice people who don't.


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