> you wanna talk with others what is "good and not" all day long 

Yup...and do some work

> without being able to say what it is that makes you think it´s good ? 


> what is banging and not ? - why some Dj´s kick you and others don´t 

People hate me i think, or they never liked me anyway

> how people should better entertain_oops_educate the kiddies 

Ohw, music is a religion, never knew that before...

> you want to know about techno you need to move closer to the subject 

I am sleeping on my records, close enough?

> other alternative always is - we stop talking and just feel, 
> dance, listen,
> understand 

Oh you want to understand techno music? Owh that's easy, here it goes, you
hear a track, you like it or you hate it; tadaa! This proberly to easy for
you guys, i don't have a hughe education that is why don't get all this shit
in my mailbox lately. I am just a simple soul

> but then I want all of us to stop - no more talking or 
> nomorewords.net :D 

Yeah that's proberly the best solution, i ha ve been on this list way to
long i think...

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