> > About music -- new Theo Parrish -- was playing in the store yesterday
> > "Dirty Rhodes" track -- does it get any better than this?  Brilliant
> > minimal jazzy deep house... on the one hand very loopy, on the other
> > constantly changing up in subtle ways, and throughout rubbing your
> > ears with that slightly distorted gritty Rhodes -- like double ought
> > sandpaper buffing your brain to a shine...
> I actually thought this was a bit of treading water for Theo- I still
> it but not enough to buy it

I picked this up, too. Maybe not quite as strong as some other releases, but
still, for me anyway, head and shoulders above most. I had a bit of a
nightmare yesterday with it, though: whilst I was in bed with a hangover, my
girlfriend's dad came round and built some shelves. He didn't move the
records underneath first, though, and they got covered in brick dust! I
managed to save most of them (especially the "Love Hangover") but the new
Theo, Nathan Haines "Earth Is The Place" and Barry's "Music Maestro Please"
got it bad - though with "Dirt Rhodes" it's hard to tell whether it's
properly fucked or if it was like that in that first place. If this ever
happens to you: don't brush it off, run it under the cold tap.

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