... now you have to put up with me posting to
this thread as well ... : )

Name: Anya Stang
Age: 36, Gemini/Snake
Born: Yes, and raised in Marburg/Germany. Relocated
to London/UK in Dec 1999 (to Brixton actually - Sarf
Lahndin roxx! ; ) ).
Work: Trained in office/business management, I now
work in office admin for http://www.emea.eu.int in
the pharmacovigilance sector.
Music: Anything that 'touches' me, is funky, makes
me dream, laugh, feel good, think, cry ... dance!
I'm a Beatles woman.
DJing skills: Ask my living room-walls - they'll
be more truthful than my friends ...
List: Mostly lurking, for about 3yrs now I think;
thanks for all the info and insights, guys!
Have met a couple of listmembers, here in London
and in Toronto, and know a few 'Durrteehs' on here
(hi Dan, Simon, Nick, Neil, Tyler, Amy ......... ).

Back to lurking ... have a good weekend all.


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