Maria IS the butt-kicking Violetta of all time. And Patsy is sublime. It's hard to tie these into Detroit sounds, but a lot goes into the pot when you talk about influences. I can hear echoes of Motown in the Detroit stuff - most people think I'm crazy when I say that. I remember getting into an argument on the IDM-l with someone who couldn't understand why anyone into IDM would find James Brown relevant. Personally, I don't see how you can spin "Popcorn" and *not* hear the connections. One of the great things about this list is the diverse musical backgrounds/appreciation of music in general here. I have always had one foot in the indie camp myself and Detroit has some great things to add into that stew as well. Of course, it isn't techno and I am wandering abroad from the thrust of the list, but a bit of variance never hurt the mix imo.
Anya had superb taste long before she read any post I ever made!

At 12:07 PM 2/2/2002, you wrote:
Soz for quoting meself - and for the lack of
313 content, playing mostly classical music
lately, and am very into Maria Callas atm - :
[...] and know a few 'Durrteehs' on here [...]

And of course a big shout to Jeff aka Mxyzptlk -
quite apart from helping me discover so much of
what I listen to these days he's the reason I
re-listened to _the_ voice of ... Patsy Cline.
Thanks Jeff! : )


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