I can tell you for sure that Heinrich Mueller is NOT his real name, well i
hope it isn't becauseif Mueller is really one of the members i will burn my
copies immediatly. Why, well Heinrich Mueller was the head Gestapo, the
secret police of the Nazi's, during World War II. He is reposible for one of
the worst crimes ever comitted by humans. He is one of the persons (together
with the notorious Adolf Eichmann) who planned the key components in the
deportation and then extermination of the Jews.

Heinrich Mueller escaped the Heidelberg proceses, he disappeared and was
never brought to justice!

To be honest, i never understood why they used name Mueller on the
Dopplereffekt records. I can't think of a single reason why to use Mueller
as an alias...


> One member of Drexciya has (apparently) been named (in 
> Jan-Feb Jockey Slut
> Magazine, UK).
> Now, I may have missed any ensuing controversy - I have a
> feeling I'll be told if so - but what do people think of 
> this? The name was
> Heinrich Mueller. Or was it all a big phat joke on the 
> writer's part? Now
> that this name has entered the public domain, it baffles me, 
> why the first
> attempt to post this was barred from the list .... This time 
> I don't mention
> the journalist who 'did' it ... but of course, that's already 
> out there too.
> Any ansewers to either question wd be appreciated.


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