> So I began to wonder what the criteria are to put an asrtist/DJ/group in a
> book like this one? Does he/she have to be famous? Sold at least 20.000
> copies of a single/album? Major impact on the development of the dance scene
> in general?

It is entirely up to the editor, who is influenced by the publisher and their
concerns about the market they are targeting.

A few years ago I was asked by the editor of one of those books to compile a
list of essential/important electronic artists, and either write their bios
myself or find people who could help out.

I put a lot of work into narrowing down a list of 120 or so, but before I
could see how many of those I could get good bios and discographies for, the
editor insisted that I include only bands that had domestic releases that were
currently in-print on CD. Then he returned my list with about 3/4 of the
artists removed and with another 30 or so added. The adds included bands like
Aquarhythms and Fluke, which, while not horrible artists, were certainly not
in my top 120. I blew off the project and never took another one like it

   - Mike
  mike j. brown, fourthought.com  |  xml/xslt: http://skew.org/xml/
  denver/boulder, colorado, usa   |  personal: http://hyperreal.org/~mike/

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