>> as far as i know, and from some pics i have seen they appear to be
>> black...Mr Angel was obviously heavily influenced by Detroit judging by
> his
>> production sound.  As far as more recently though, i don't think he has
> done
>> anything.

Dave Angel is fully into the Detroit sound, plus his dad is a musician and
he has a full jazz background. He is a funny guy. He has been working on a
new album after leaving Island.

Angel has a new Internet-order mix-CD, Dave Angel 01 - for more info check
the web site (I think it's www.trustthedj.com).

This is from an interview late last year:

He is recording an ambitious third album with live instrumentation,
vocalists, and calibre guests such as Roy Ayers, George Clinton and New
Zealander Mark D' Clive-Lowe. Angel intends it to be his definitive "future
jazz" LP.

"I've just been touring around the world," he says. "I've kinda taken a bit
of a break from the studio, you know. I'm still working on the album - I've
been working on it now for about two years. I've taken a break from it
because I'm just not happy in the environment that I'm working in right now,
so my studio's under construction right now - a whole new studio getting
built - and I just feel a change is needed in terms of equipment and

Angel has already laid down music with Clinton and Ayers. His hook-up with
Clinton was an experience, Dave says. "Crazy - bloody hard as well! I learnt
a lot of things (laughs)... I learnt a lot of things. I learnt a lot of
positive things - that's the only thing I can really tell ya!" By contrast,
Dave describes Ayers as "a living genius - totally professional and just
straight to the point." At any rate, Dave is in no rush to shop for a record
deal for the album. "I haven't got anybody backing me or anything - I'm just
doing this all by myself," he asserts. "I see it as my baby, and it's my
project, funded by me - my time, my creation - and, really, I'd like to keep
it that way for as long as I can."

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