I would just like to second scott's comments here.
Around 93/95 Dave Angel was one of my top rated DJs.  He was always
massively inventive and kept u interested throughout his sets.  I have one
brilliant tape of his here which I still play regularly to this day.
I saw Dave play about 3 times in reasonably quick succession about a year
ago, twice here in and around London and once on continent - cant remember
where.  I was very disappointed on each of the 3 occasions.
There's a very close tight-knit nepotic London techno scene and my
sentiments go the same way about the triumvirate.  Will Umek
edMediaID=69685) who I have playing in the background come to rue the day?

Sorry to waffle and now side track - I saw Umek / Valentino down the End on
Saturday Night at Billy's "Open to Torture".  I'd seen the trio at Atomic
Jam on NYE and thought Valentino played a mighty impressive set.  This time
I thought he sucked ... so boring.  In fact my m8s went home.  I'm a
stalwart ... and thank god.  Umek started off in the same lame vein
Valentino had finished off.  It took him about 20 minutes to find his groove
(and he's got it about 17/18 mins into the Groovetech set again) and from
there, well, probably one of the best sets I've heard in the last 18 months.
I totally enjoyed listening to something which kept me interested and
sounded so very different.

I'm sorry, I'm not a DJ, not a producer, not a mixer - so I don't know one
tune from another but I think I have a good ear : I cant tell you what he
does which is different but I certainly but Umek up on the pedestal I once
held Mr Angel.

----- Original Message -----
From: "s mcgill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313" <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2002 12:41
Subject: Re: [313] Black techno artists

> hmm.  I don't know where this thread started but to comment on these two
> artistically I would say that Angel has lost his way recently (in mine
> eyes), Rockliffe isn't a bad dj but I am not too sure about his
> He needs to move way from that Carl Cox, Billy Nasty, Jim Masters stable
> evolve (if he has that in the tank - remains...).
> Rachmad is probably the most in touch detroit-influenced black producer I
> can think of over here and he is from Holland. Everyone else is lost in
> commercial cancer that is UK garage. 4-hero are too much of an innovation
> now to be linked with influences all the time, 'the boyz done good.'

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