what about starting a direct debate - the meaning of "underground" 2002 ?

and what this so often used word means to people here ?


and now again a bit of drifting -

I think the fashion statement also was interesting to the

underground-question in general, because it´s true that most music

"categorys" connected with youth-movements also were connected to specific

youth-fashion-rituals (the techno-movement in europe was also

connected with certain fashion styles) and many culturez include the

aspects of decoration, presenting sexuality, beauty, beauty-resistance,

body politix, body moves, dancing styles ... - participation and connecting

the full range of communication aspects... mixed with the nightlife aspects

Though I also do think, that many conclusionz of "pop"-analyziz based on

the observation of a short decade in history (from 50ies to 90ies)

are not as timeless, as they pretend to be and things have changed a lot

"loss of innocence" - as we live in a time were many people in the

"civilized world" can get almost any "image" or style home on the computer

with a simple mouseclick -

this is the reason why for example the senile glamourizing

of the uncoded neo-80ies-nu-wave-style is yawn galore to me

(most of it is obvioulsy created on the background of too lazy copied

strategies of pop and pop-models (mirror-images) for selling more records)

I think this level of "cleverness" can hardly feed any movement

(underground or whatever) with substance -

blub, sorry - it´s late and it´s in english and where was the 313-link ?

ohem: Underground Resistance ? yes - what means underground to you ? 

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