
from issues 25-90, Urb featured minority artist (mostly black) on 33 out
of 65 covers. That's over 50%

you can see them at  /click: back issues

ironically, according the the US census burea, 75% of the population is

and richie's only been on the cover once.

On Tue, 30 Apr 2002, neon tse tse wrote:

> > how do *you* know the reason why he is popular is because he's white?
> >
> No, he?s not popular, because of that -
> Mr Hawtin deserves some respect for his work, for sure
> But others do deserve the same respect -
> so we should take care that no one is KING of ....
> the tendency to lift Richie so high are in danger to create a king
> and if there?s a 5 to 6 difference on that page - that?s strange
> Why I think this way ?
> As I also work in the music-world I used to meet quite a few journalists
> ad musicians warning me in general like: "black people are difficult" -
> some were warning me that for example 4 hero are difficult,
> some people were saying theo parrish is difficult -
> meeting them in person resulted in some of the best talks
> I ever did have - learnt much, chatted much, laughed much, -
> But if this phenomenan "watch out - difficult" is also around in the US
> and I think it is, it does have a effect how black intelectual techno
> artists get placed the media -
> and this is just a little example of the media-game -
> Let?s say there?s this URB-magazine or so,  maybe they sell better with
> a black artist on the cover, maybe with a white artist, maybe better
> with male or a female artist ?
> but if it does make a difference to their business, what do you think
> they will do ? -yes, they will take care that the better selling race/gender
> is selected - all those aspects (many many more) work on the popularity
> of artists -
> this is why *we* prefer to focus this
> because there is so much of this stuff working undercover
> I won?t deny that focusing can also bring problems -
> but this is the next level - we ain?t there by now
> out
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