> They specifically mentioned the day that a skater (Tony Alva if I recall
> correctly) went over the lip of a pool and move skating into the realm
> of vertical tricks.  This handful of skaters pretty much singularly
> redefined what skateboarding is.

old skater here
thats an ollie, invented by alen "ollie" gelfand
I used to have a better store bookmarked but I lost it, it had some picture
of the guy.

Then came another seminal moment, one that would catapult skateboarding out
of the world of surfer boys. In the late 1970s a Floridian named Alan
"Ollie" Gelfand invented a new move -- soon to be known as the "ollie." He
tapped the tail of the board down and jumped in the air with the front foot
sliding forward. This launched the board over immovable objects, such as
benches and walls. Why surf when you could fly, if only over a curb?


lansing, mi

ps. the ron allen king size and mike valilay double kick are my favorite
useless wooden toys best video, followed close by speed freaks
andy mcdonald best local skater (from e. lansing, resides in ann arbor, last
I knew)
shawn sheiffy (sp?) and bill danforth are up there two
lansing just got a concert skatepark designed by the famed tim paine (sp?)
wish it was ten years ago when my bones could take the beating.

ok I'll stop remminishing and get back to techno to make some reveilence

tonight in lansing if you are in the area and read this much of this

226 collingwood, east lansing, 10pm-4am

Cantus firmus

Come wish scott macinnis farewell as he moves to chicago on Sunday.  Last
time you'll se this cat for a long time.

Hope to see you all there

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