----- Original Message -----
From: "David Powers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Maybe this is on a tangent, but what exactly would people consider to be
> tech-house anyway?
> I would be interested to know what sound Mr. Tyreer would consider to be
> tech-house as opposed to John Tejada's sound, for example.

Ok I know I'm going to get myself into trouble here......

i listened to all 4 tracks on John Tejada's 'Its Only Music' on the
groovetech site.
Tracks 1, 2 & 4, for me, could easily have been classified as Tech-house
whilst the Klute 'Lost in Detroit' mix (track 3) i would have cataloged as
house rather than techno.

At the moment when I hear the words 'Tech House' i immediately think of the
sort of stuff I have heard Terry Francis play over recent months at Fabric
in London.  I opened my big mouth on another board some weeks back and said
that I thought Terry Francis was really boring with his boring, boring
tech-house and that's what the sound is to me.  Someone came back to tell me
that one of the most driving tunes in a particular set he had heard the
other night was a terry francis new tune....

Go back 18 months ago, when the sound was new, it was interesting and it was
fun to listen to, after a diet of more manic techno, but most of that
original stuff is not there now.

I know someone who knows the individual tracks (john Tejada) will now come
on the board and tell me everything he played at Sonar was of a tech-house
sound and similar to 'Its Only Music' - but thats not how I remember it.
The Sound system at Sonar was superb.  But I dont think that it was the
sound system which made the set i heard sound so 'alive' because the 2
places in London where I've heard "Tech House" have been The End (probably
the best sound system in London) and Fabric (which isnt too far behind
either in sound quality).

On one of the magazines about a year ago, there was a free CD from Terry
Francis - I'll try to dig this out, and I really liked that so something has
gone wrong somewhere.

I think (and im thinking out loud) that you can have a downbeat techno at
120 bpm, but generally that techno sound, is at a faster pace than that.  I
didnt think there was too much variation in the 3 'I love Music' tracks of
John's that justified 3 different genre's.

I'm interested to know what people think.  I'd like to see a few pointers to
tracks/sets which people on this board consider to be quality tech house.
I'll listen to them and come back with my 2p's worth.  I'll possibly also
end up agreeing, and for my part, I'll look out for some tech-house sets
which i regard as typical (boring) examples of the music.

I'm waiting to be educated.  4 me 'Techno' music is the sound on the sets of
Mike Dearborn, Adam Beyer, who immediately spring to mind - but also the
Richie Hawtin (my God) or Ben Sims sound.  [I know Hawtin, Sims and Beyer
all have their loopiness in common] but I also love Derrick May, Kevin
Saunderson ... the list is endless.  Jeff Mills features too, but i've also
gone through a period of disenchantment with Jeff when he was playing the
Burundi parties at Lost.

I'm sorry my examples here are so London based - our good friends in US
immigration, think i'm not the desirable type to set foot on hallowed soil -
at least not yet ......!

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