
I think the is it house or is it techno thing isn't
really that important. There's lots of bad techno, and
even more bad house, but good house and good techno
are to me almost the same thing (I don't know what the
word is for it, and I guess it doesn't matter). I do
think, though, like politics in most Western
democracies, that the middle ground has shifted to the
right. Maybe the term techno needs to be reclaimed by
the deeper producers -- and maybe I should say happily
that the stuff I play is techno. I read somewhere that
Herbert considers his music to be techno...



--- FC3 Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
the greatest dancer, on m_plant is definately
> house...disco house even,
> since the main loop is from a disco song...as far as
> i know...
> look..i brought robert hood and house back together!

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