I find this all very much a shame and a pity. I see the wrong people bashing
on each other. 
It's not Hell's fault this electroclash hype trash thing is happening. It's
MoS and the UK media that are to blame. They (MoS) invested a pile of money
in Fisherspooner and in order to get their investment working, had their
marketing machine working full throttle. And the media swollowed it like
candy. Finally they had something juicy to write about, a new hype to
create! And guess what, in a year or so they can all write it off as passé
again, wow.

Ok, maybe Hell likes to pose here and there a bit. But Ferenc has his own
little habits too. I sure didn't hear him complaining when Space invaders
got chosen record of the year in Germany '99. 

Besides, you're not telling me they all suddenly stopped making music now...
Little PR stunt maybe?

This is just not right.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jongsma, K.J. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: dinsdag 3 september 2002 10:48
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: RE: [313] another causality

> just noticed http://www.globaldarkness.com/ has shut down
> nice rant blaming 'electroclash' left.

Hmm (taken from globaldarkness.com):
We dont need the hollow catchphrases, the carefully created eighties retro
fad, the empty music, the jaded cynicism or the poser attitude of the fake
Gigolos who only sell their asses to the masses. You can all follow your
leader into the electroclash HELL!

just wondering to whom it is addressed :)



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