On Fri, 13 Sep 2002, Christian Bloch wrote:

> Hmm... this begs a question that i've been pondering for a while... How many
> (not to forget who) producers/DJ's are religious? I heard the Burden family
> is Jehova's Witnesses, but who else... And who are the atheists in our
> midst? .... And I guess since I'm posing the question, I should answer it
> too... I'm an atheist, but respecting and being interested in religion.

I think Farley has become "saved."  Either him or Frankie Knuckles...get
the two confused sometimes.

I've been knocking my head about this for a while.  The most intensely
religious experiences I've ever had have been (with one or two exceptions)
on the dance floor, listening to house and techno.

The reason that people "worship" or more appropriately "pay reverance to"
the DJ is because the DJ is the modern shaman/priest.  The first person to
recognize that DJ'ing CAN be a godly force will be able to move MOUNTAINS,
both artistically and otherwise.  Curt Franklin (sp?) got it all wrong
when he tried to introduce people to Christianity through hip-hop and new
hack swing (pun intended).

He should've been using house.


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