Friday, September 13, 2002, 8:21:27 AM, a knob was tweaked and out came:

CB> Hmm... this begs a question that i've been pondering for a while... How many
CB> (not to forget who) producers/DJ's are religious? I heard the Burden family
CB> is Jehova's Witnesses, but who else... And who are the atheists in our
CB> midst? .... And I guess since I'm posing the question, I should answer it
CB> too... I'm an atheist, but respecting and being interested in religion.

I suppose its ironic for an atheist to have a record coming out on
Digital Soul :)

To me, "soul" means basic human emotion . . . its that deep-running
current of sadness and mortality that makes Detroit techno so sweet,
at least to my ear.  Anybody can have that kind of soul . . . you've
just got filter out the social bullshit around you and find it
on your own terms.

When emotion is forced into the music, then it ain't soul.

Whether you marvel at god's creation or at the sheer scope and chaos
of the universe, its still the same emotion you're feeling.  The basic
feelings expressed by techno music are common to everyone, regardless of

I think its possible to genuinely appreciate Claude Young's "Gates of the
Afterlife" even if you don't believe in one.

Being atheist isn't something I'd ever stamp on my work . . . that
would make about as much sense as randomly listing other things I
don't believe in in my liner notes . . .  "I'd like to thank my mom,
my pop, my sis, and by the way, I don't like pizza"

Brian "balistic" Prince - art and techno
Strokes of Defiance EP . . . soon.

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