Friday, September 13, 2002, 11:41:05 AM, a knob was tweaked and out came:

RT> Is is true that in some US  high schools you're not allowed to teach the
RT> widely-accepted scientific fact of evolution 'cos it might upset the bible
RT> bashers, who have no objection to having their kids taught to hate and
RT> discriminate?

Evolution is taught almost uniformly in all public schools.  The few
exceptions are in the southern "bible belt" of America.

Unfortunately, "creation science" /is/ pretty much uniquely American,
and its perpetrators quite vocal.

That said, I live in a very religious state (Utah), and the kids here
are definitely not taught creationism in public schools.  Even Brigham
Young University, a major religious academy, offers majors in
microbiology and the like.

You need to realize that the US is not morally congruous.  Each state
has its own character.  I'm presently in a region where pornography is
illegal, and you're not allowed to purchase alcahol or dance in public
on a sunday, but I can hop on a plane to Reno, Nevada and in an hour
have access to legalized gambling and prostitution, and if the
November elections go the way I'm thinking they will, it will be legal
to posses small amounts of recreational marijuana there within a year.

Painting a whole populous with a single brush is a bit discriminatory
in itself, yeah?

Brian "balistic" Prince - art and techno
Strokes of Defiance EP . . . soon.

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