I respected TP's post, but in defence of Nelly, who gets a lot of flak, he
is a really real person. His music is party music and actually quite
positive for his genre of hip-hop - he would have more cred if he were more
'gangsta' or hardcore, but he refrains from that. He does a lot of social
work and gives back to his community in St Louis and has given his friends
jobs in his mini empire, and that's a positive, conscious thing. And, I have
to say, he is one of the most down to earth and gracious superstars I have
ever interviewed (three times now). He is very humble about his success too.
In many ways he is like a lot of young men of his age, still finding his
way. Music can be inspirational and positive in many ways maybe? (I love the
song too, production is hype!)

> However, it's
> hard to see how one can get positive inspiration from Nelly's "It's Hot In
> Here". So there has to be a proper balance, and a fine, carefully drawn
> line.

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