On Sat, 14 Sep 2002, Cyclone Wehner wrote:

> I respected TP's post, but in defence of Nelly, who gets a lot of flak, he
> is a really real person. His music is party music and actually quite
> positive for his genre of hip-hop - he would have more cred if he were more
> 'gangsta' or hardcore, but he refrains from that. He does a lot of social
> work and gives back to his community in St Louis and has given his friends
> jobs in his mini empire, and that's a positive, conscious thing. And, I have
> to say, he is one of the most down to earth and gracious superstars I have
> ever interviewed (three times now). He is very humble about his success too.
> In many ways he is like a lot of young men of his age, still finding his
> way. Music can be inspirational and positive in many ways maybe? (I love the
> song too, production is hype!)

Cyclone, I'm feeling you.  ON the one hand, Nelly IS a cool brother.  I've
played ball with him a couple of times and on one level he is totally

But this doesn't mean his music is uplifting and inspirational.  I
definitely get conservative (in the intellectual sense) on issues like
this.  Let's just take the words to one of his songs and compare them to
the words of something that IS viewed by most as inspirational.  I don't
think there is any comparison.  I can respect that he's trying to find his
way, but even when TP was a sloppy alcoholic, I bet he moved more people
in an inspirational manner than Nelly.


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