Hmm... I read it a little differently. I thought he was just saying that he
isn't feeling the current techno output, not that he's not influenced by
techno at all.

i think that's much more accurate!! of course morgan used to make techno so of course its an influence just not as strong as it used to be. i'm sure he throws on some older stuff every now and again. he used to call dbx one of his biggest influences and love eevolute etc's just there is not a whole lot of soulful techno out there anymore, and when there is it's usually harkening back to the early 90's etc not really all that there is not a whole lot of inpiration to draw from techno these days especially if you have been familiar with it for years and years. seems pretty natural to me...on the other hand you couldn't really say much more for disco, except that there's always soooo much out there to discover..and i guess tastes change etc...


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