Very good advice!

Thanks for all your help.....


"Brendan Nelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 05/12/2002 15:44:22


Subject:  RE: (313) Studio Monitors

You also need to consider the dimensions and acoustics of the room in
which you do your mix-downs. For example, a smaller room might not have
the space for the low-frequency waveforms to properly unfold, meaning
that you might want monitors that do emphasise bass somewhat. If you're
in a large room, however, then you will get a proper bass response
anyway, and any attempt to emphasise bass frequencies on your monitors
will have an overamplification effect.

I mix down in a pretty small room, so am probably going to go for the
Alesis M-1 monitors when I can be arsed to ditch my hi-fi Mission
speakers! But my process for properly mixing down tracks currently
involves listening to them in the studio, then in my bedroom, then on my
flatmates crap-but-bassy sound system downstairs, then on headphones at
work, then at my friend's house, etc etc etc. I also like to have the
track playing in my room, and walk in slowly from outside - it's often
interesting to see which parts of the song are the first things you hear
as you "walk in" on it, rather than always listening to it bloody loud
from start to finish...


| -----Original Message-----
| From: robin pinning [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Sent: 05 December 2002 15:40
| Subject: RE: (313) Studio Monitors
| > M-Audio Studiophile SP-5B's are nice (I have a pair). I've
| heard great
| > things about the Behringer Truth monitors too.
| i've heard this too tho i've heard build quality isn't really there.
| keep the suggestions coming folks as i'm about to get
| something to replace
| the 15 year old wharfedale hifi speakers i use.
| two schools of thought:
| something with no strong bass so that your mixes don't
| undercompensate on
| the bass (downside: you don't hear the bas freq and you
| overcompensate)
| something with strong bass as this is dance music yer
| producing and it's
| designed for big speakers (downside: you produce music that
| doesn't have
| enough bass as the speaker flatters)
| obviously you want something completely neutral (ns10s? top end a bit
| bright?)
| anyway i guess this is offtopic but it interests me anyway :)
| robin...

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