It's almost surreal always seeing him in the headlines, it makes me think
back to 1991 watching him performing at a rave in front of 500 people
standing behind his SY 77 keyboard.
Now he's making Millions of dollars in album sales, tv commercials
endorsements (Microsoft).

Can you imagine a black man with Moby's electronica, techno celebrity
The American music industry wouldn't allow for something like that to
happen, the irony is Moby rips off black music.
Out of curiosity I was listing to one of his live performances from his last
album and he was trying to sound like a black Baptist preacher, I feaaal it,
I feeeeaaaal it, yeaaah... in a shaky, black tone of voice.
I guess he was trying to sound gospel, making holy spirit and jesus
refrences, I remember thinking how uncomfortable it would have been to
actually attend that concert, like going to a
Christian rock concert.
The we are made of stars song he perfromed on SNL sounds a little more
endurable, back to his rock n'roll roots I geuss.
To make this a little more on topic I remember when Moby dissed Jeff Mills
for still playing dominator back in 92-93.
This was when Moby was getting tied of the techno genre.

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