When you wake up, before you hear any loud noises (such as your alarm
clock), your hear is very sensitive and with very little outside noise, you
usually hear a high pitched noise within your head.  Waking up with this
sound is perfectly normal.
Perhaps it's this that is being mistake for hearing damage?

Have a look at this from http://www.tinnitus.org

The meaning of tinnitus sounds

In 1953 Heller and Bergman performed an simple and classic experiment. They
placed 80 tinnitus free individuals (university members in a sound proofed
room for 5 minutes each, asking them to report on any sounds that might be
heard. The subjects thought they might be undergoing a hearing test, but
actually experienced 5 minutes of total silence. 93% reported hearing
buzzing, pulsing, whistling sounds in the head or ears identical to those
reported by tinnitus sufferers.  This simple experiment shows almost anyone
can detect background electrical activity present in every living nerve cell
in the hearing pathways as a sound. Although some areas of the auditory
system may be more active than others, every neurone will contribute to some
extent to the final perception of tinnitus. These electrical signals are not
evidence of damage, but compensatory activity that occurs all the time in
the auditory system of each one of us.  Compensation can occur as a response
to changes in our sound environment (e.g. silence) to hearing loss which may
be a natural part of ageing, or to exposure to sudden noise.  Its good to
think of the sounds produced by this compensatory activity as 'the music of
the brain'.  Of those who DO experience persistent tinnitus, population
studies have shown  that about 85% do not find it intrusive, disturbing or
anxiety provoking (something tinnitus sufferers find very hard to believe!).
The reason for this is not so much because the quality or loudness of the
tinnitus is different; in fact we have found that tinnitus is of a very
similar type of sound in those who are bothered by it and those who are not.

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