On Mon, 27 Jan 2003, diana potts wrote:

>  HOWever, I think it's really unfortunate that
> something that was so beautiful and community oriented
> in its beginning has turned into a somewhat monster of
> egos. What does this portray to people on the outside
> of Detroit, of its music community?

Here is where I stand (for those who don't know).  I'm happy that May and
Craig fought for the demf, and got the right to produce the next one.
Jumping for joy am I.  really.

But thinking of the DEMF as a bundle of resources (contracts, prestige,
etc.), I think you're putting too fine a gloss over it.  In as much as
these resources are zero-sum (there are only so many contracts and
prestige to go around), POLITICS ARE INVOLVED.

When politics are involved, communities fracture.  That's the name of the
game.  People have different interests.

> I wish those
> involved who are keeping the festival from progressing
> could put egos and self claims aside and see that this
> festival is and always was supposed to be about-
> showing people that Detroit, with all its bruised
> reputations, can take this music and turn it into
> something positive for the city. I believe Derrick and
> company still have this vision and could do it
> justice, as Carl did the first year. I really think
> they have a chance here for a clean slate and to start
> over from the beginning. To get the festival back to
> its roots of the first year and completely start over.
> If Carol is _truely_ for the community as she has said
> from the beginning in interviews and so forth, then
> she would relax and wish Derrick, and the city of
> Detroit the best.

The concept of "the community" is a rhetorical device used to mobilize
people for or against very specific projects.  I'm sure that Marvin is no
longer thinking of May and Craig when she talks about "the community."

I'm sure May and Craig aren't thinking about Marvin when THEY talk about
"the community."  I know I'm not.

This is politics.  It isn't bad (contrary to popular belief).  I actually
think it is good that Detroiters are willing to fight and compete over
something as glorious as this.


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