One things for sure.
I'm glad I'm not in Derrick May or Carl Craig shoes, that's a lot of
stress and pressure to put on one person.
MILLIONS of people are counting on them to make this festival

on 1/28/03 4:30 PM, spw at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The solution is to let D May and C Craig run this years festival if
> they cant take care of business they only have themselves to blame.
> It's smart the city has D May on a one year trail basis.
> on 1/28/03 1:33 PM, xx xx at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Current Status: Abandoned: Applicant failed to respond to an Office action
>> ah,ah,ah, ROFL,is it the same guy who wants to run a business, put D music
>> to the next level?
>> The building block around which an artist constructs his/her professional
>> appearance, is attitude.
>> If one can’t meet deadlines, one shouldn't be in THE business.
>> I guess we  should collect some money, buy this book "The Business of
>> Illustration", and send it to Derrick. He needs to go back to school.
>> He's got far too much to say for himself.

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