OK, I think I understand the context of this now.
I think it's kinda a hip-hop way of expressing it, appropriating terms like
'shock and awe'. It's ironic, flipping terms to get people's attention and
make them think. I would be surprised if UR supported this current conflict,
But some 'wars' are necessary - struggles for self-determination, justice,
equality, etc - and I am as pacifist as anyone. War here is figurative, it
could be as much about people power on the streets or campaigning Sony as
with the Jaguar 'cover'.
UR have a compelling point on the bootlegging. Bootlegging affects their
ability to run a business and look out for their families - and so achieve
I think KDJ has been very, very, very misunderstood. People shouldn't take
it so personally, unless they're bootleggers!
I think you'll find he just supports all people who keep it real and
realness has no colour.

> Haven't really followed this thread, as I have been off for a while, but I
> am sure it's figurative, as is a lot of UR's music and imagery.
> Probably more a reference to The Struggle - civil rights, African-Americans,
> Indigenous peoples, working class, women... self-determination, equality,
> etc.
> It's there to make you think?
>>> While I do not support the rip-off, I think the footer message "War when
>>> necessary" sucks big time.
>>> Peace in the good times/War when necessary. What defines necessity.
>>> If the US economic situation continues to deteriorate does this
>> necessatate
>>> enforcing control through trigger happy kick ass advanced technology
>> toting
>>> red-necks - know what I'm sayin'?

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