---------- Original Message ----------------------------------

>What I know is this......
>1) The piece mentions 4 record shops only - that can't be right.
I know
>more shops are getting them.
>2) They're a cash only thing. So shops getting them are paying up
front for
>them. The shops that have them already are probably london shops, as
>obviously they can just pop to peacefrog and get them. Other
shops will get
>their deliveries slightly later...
>3) Quite a few people have the white label version. These have
been around
>for a couple of months. So the 400 only is the finished copies.
There must
>be at least a hundred whites floating about.
>4) The shops that ARE getting them have had waiting lists for
them. I know
>Piccadilly have had 50 people on their list since Jan/Feb.
They're not even
>going to get enough to cover that waiting list.
>so, as usual, I'm no help what-so-ever. I'd mail/phone every shop
you know
>and get your name down.

honestly, this kind of thing makes me feel ill. music is supposed
to be heard, not hunted after like its a rare beast. i hope it
gets bootlegged soon so i can just buy a copy for a reasonable
price without having to devote my life and all my cash for a one
sided record. 




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