> my criticisms probably usually 
> come off as out of proportion and "agro" 

actually I felt the tone was more like a couple of headz sitting around
a record store dropping needles on stuff and just BS'ing about the
releases and relative hype or substance of various stuff, I thought it
was funny.... :)

> just me being a picky opinionated mofo, please dont 
> take me too seriously i say all this crap with 
> a big smirk...dont mean anything by it..just way 
> opinionated about some things...

and we wouldn't have it any other way!  Stop apologizing for it JT..
opinions challenge assumptions and this has been a good thread!  It's
drawn out a lot of good discussions about the merits and shortcomings of
said record! 

> nice reviews on the new bleep43 ken :) but i am 
> gonna be PISSED if i pick that stuff up and it 
> lets me down!!! haha jk!!

Yeah are reviewers now have to offer "you'll like this or your money
back guarnteed!?"  And if you like that, get the extra Ginsu Steak Knife
set for only 3 easy payments of $9.99...

Matt MacQueen

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