1. Where is this - I want to play there

2. Excuse my ignorance, but who/what is "Tomcraft"?

At 12:56 pm +0100 16/7/03, Jonny McIntosh wrote:
Somebody recently came up to me to bet me a fiver he could make it to the
end of my set without making a fool of himself. After drunkenly staggering
back and falling over a sofa immediately afterwards he quickly conceded
defeat. The same night a girl started licking my new shoes. Bizarre.

 Best response to inane punter harrassment seems to be to say slowly
 and clearly:

 "Sorry, I'm not the DJ, he's gone off for a bit."
 (delivered in a - these aren't the droids you're looking for - style)

 Astonishingly this seems to satisfy people even if you're wearing
 headphones, pushing vinyl on turntables and fiddling with the mixer.

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