> Robert Taylor wrote on Wed, 16 Jul 2003 about following:
> > "Play some Meatloaf" (OK - that was me but I was only joking - or was I?)
> on almost every gig i play someone asks me to play "paranoid" by black 
> sabbath. i swear one day i take it with me and just switch to it 
> immediately someone asks me to play it.

I heard some electronic rmx of a black sabbath song forget wha it is, sweet 
leaf maybe?

> "can you play something more danceable" is also quite common, as well as 
> "do you have any hip hop", "can you play <insert local rock band name 
> here>" etc.. 
my favorite is when guys walk up and ask, er um more like demand, to "flow" 
over what ever i'm playing. then when i say i'm really not into that, they 
stand there and yell raps in my face like that is going convince me. this 
happens everytime at co-op parties and last friday i thought this guy wanted to 
punch me, instead he kept calling me a "hater" and proceded to ruin an already 
messed up vibe by the fuzz. 

had someone once ask me to "can you play some hank", i replied which one.

my fiend was playing a wedding reception, this guy walked up and asked if he 
had a cd player. he said no, the guy replies "i have this alice dj set, let me 
pull my car around and we can rock out". 

i have found the best way to deflect these question with a positve out come is 
to say i play vinyl and if they have any records they want me to play to bring 
them up. i know one day this will bite me in the ass when that person has the 
record on them. guess then it's on to plan b to put the record where they can 
see it and when they ask why i have not played it yet reply, "i'm trying ot 
work it in".

lansing, mi.

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