my all-time fav is "are you the DJ?" - OK, meanwhile I have headphones on, am surrounded by turntables & rekkids, CDs & players, etc. whilst using the mixer. once I answered "no" just to make the person go away.

runner up would have to be "I'll have a Bud & two Coronas" (or other drinks) - been in a few places where the booth was near the bar...

old time favs - "can you play the Smiths" or "can you play Souxsie" when that was what was actually playing right then...

"play something I can dance to" when the dancefloor is full - "sorry, can't help ya there dude" - lol!

"if you don't play some good music I'm going to leave", said in a busy place - "there's the door, over there"

"can you play some Metallica" - I actually had it - don't ask me why - and they danced too - was funny as hell - lol!

lisa  :)

Martin wrote:
The best one I've heard is "Where's the toilet mate"

And a bloke with some bongo's asking if we could "mike" him up!

16/7/03 8:26 AM [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I was playing live with Mark Broom about 10 years ago when a sweaty
face from the crowd appeared over the top of my Juno 106 and shouted
"Go on big man!  Make the 303 RUMBLE!!!"!!!!!


On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 09:04  am, Dennis DeSantis wrote:

Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

i actually got a request the other night when spinning records at
a club from some girl who said to me "are you going to play some
techno?" right after i finished played "nude photo" and "quetzal".
i almost had a heart attack.

DJs get harassed too?  I thought that was reserved for us liva PA
guys.  I somehow feel better.

I played a gig at a huge dirty club in Berlin on Saturday.  I had a
girl come up to me twice and ask me pleadingly if there were going to
be any more DJs.  Then a guy came up and told me that I was doing it
wrong - I was supposed to be using turntables.

Dennis DeSantis

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