>There's a new generation coming that will never go into a record shop, own
>decks, care about a 909 in mint condition...

sorry but that is such a BS statement. It can be argued then that there is
a new generation coming that will never go into an acoustic guitar shop or
care about a pre-war Gibson either.
This "new" generation has among it some people who will one day go into a
record shop, own decks and maybe even plunk down well over 10 grand for a
old classic guitar. I know when I was 15 I wouldn't have cared much about a
909 either - I was happy playing my Rickenbacher.
sure, the majority of the "new generation" won't ever go into a record shop
etc. but then again most of the people I know in my age bracket don't
You're talking about very specialized areas of interest - I wonder if there
is a ballroom dancing email list that having a similar discussion about the
"new generation"?


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