what point was your post supposed to be making? totally went over my head i guess :P

Music is human social expression through sound.

wow, this reminds me of that part in 'adaptation' where nic cage starts off the orchid book with the history of the world...

People intemperate music with trend in culture, for example electro/ '80s
music is considered socially acceptable especially on this mailing list in
comparison to old school techno.
Both are 80's dance music genre's that use the same concept is composition
style -> drum machine + synthesizer + sequencer

what is your point? what isnt socially acceptable as comparison? what are you trying to say? what does composition have to do with your point? it's obviously not uniquely 80's. and you left out the sampler..are you just trying to say detroit techno is 80's music and nobody but us crazy fans really like it cus its not trendy anymore?

The Detroit sound or what people identify as the Detroit sound is very '80s
in nature,
Rolandesque synthesizer stings/ chords with keyboard portamento.

huh? you dont prescribe a style of music to a particular time according to the instruments it uses. classical music! thats so 1400's!! all them violins and violas.. if people had studdenly stopped using those sounds at a particular time then you can make such a comment, but as long as they're still in widespread use, thats just ridiculous to say...does anybody say rock n roll is 50's music, gibson guitars and marshal drums and blah blah! yeah right hahaha. how do you ascribe a time frame to a music thats about as alive now as it ever was, it makes no sense. except from a marketing/'commercial standpoint.
i dunno what you're trying to say, anyways.

anyways the idea of doing a chronological mix seems pretty misguided to me because songs dont come out in the order they're made (ie you're gonna play a record released in 1987, followed by one made in 1988, but the one in 1988 has music on it produced in 1986..)..music doesnt evolve or get released that linearly..i'd say just play it by ear and do a *roughly* chronological mix...i dont think its closeminded or stupid or anything its just one mix like you were saying..and besides i hear it done all the time..


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