Copied and pasted from another forum, here's my take on it....

Just listened to this for the first time and it was a terrible
disappointment. It had a few moments, but at least until track 6 I could
hardly believe how devoid of substance it was.

I don't think it sounds a lot like any of the previous Plastikman albums,
but then there's no reason why it should...I always thought it was pretty
sad that he got some sort of backlash when "Consumed" came out cos it didn't
sound like all the other stuff. Plastikman always had an innovative edge
that pushed things in a different direction with each chapter, but to me
this album sounds like it was made by someone who'd heard all the previous
PM work and wanted to make something that sounded like it was made by the
same person, although that hardly makes sense as it was in fact made by the
same person. It just sounds to me like imitation rather than innovation.
Imitation of his own past masterpieces, perhaps, although I also hear
strains of Taylor Dupree, 12K style dry, bitty minimalism...just not done
very well at all, and with some rather nauseatingly bad use of delay

The production is kind of hard to deal with, with a lot of very dry and
tight kick drums (that would in fact sound excellent on a club rig, so no
real complaints there). That said, it has no space to it, it's very...close.
I just could not connect with it until he started to bring in some
atmosphere in track 6 or 7.

If I had to compare it to a previous album it's definitely most similar to
"Consumed", which instantly became my favourite PM album when I first heard
it (only last year)...but this one has none of the depth, character or
atmosphere of that album. It doesn't sound like he's really tried very
hard...or tried at all. The album, from what I hear (and as the name might
suggest) is supposed to be the best ever glimpse into the mind of Mr
Hawtin...sounds to me like he really needs a rest.

I've seen a bunch of reactions to it so far...everything from "shit", to
"going to be a classic", to "very good". Personally, I'd buy some of the
tracks if they came out on 12" vinyl (track 8 in particular is very good)
but overall I'd be loth to shell out for the whole album as it's really not
got much going for it. That last track, as has been mentioned, is a definite
taste of the PM of old, but I've already got several albums of that stuff.

hmmmm, I really was looking forward to this album, but it doesn't even
approach the levels of what I was expecting.

Anyway, these are all just my opinions after one listen. Perhaps parts of it
will grow on me, and I'll still definitely go along if he does a Plastikman
live show.

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