I read my post again - I should clarify. High unemployment rates were said
to be the cause of increased home taping of music - not home taping causing
layoffs in the music industry.

Still, I feel the situation is similar to today. We have high unemployment
so less money to spend on product. Therefore people look for inexpensive
ways to acquire music - home taping/mp3s.


                      Ken Odeluga                                               
                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        To:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
                                               cc:       313@hyperreal.org      
                      11/03/03 10:28 AM        Subject:  Re: (313) downloading, 
peer-to-peer, etc                 

> Then later, the author cited again [some time in the 80's] the
> increase of
> tape sales and decrease of album sales blaming high unemployment rates.
> Sound familiar?

It does! Perhaps a big thing which we often overlook in this whole
issue is: the sheer *resilience* of the music industry!  I mean, its
death knell has been sounded many times.
(And I am talking about actual music media here, records, tapes, cds
etc.) And many times it has adapted and survived. Free electronic
acquisition by consumers, though, is going to take some coming back
from! I personally do think the survival of the majors (speaking
neutrally, leaving out for now the question of whether I want them to
survive or not ;-) is going to be a case of 'if-you-can't-beat-'em,
join-'em' rather than 'destroy-them-my-robots'. Although they'll try
that, and I feel they'll fail.


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