if you're asking *me*, I've already said I dont support dollar signs being
attached to my music.  thats just my own belief, and it doesnt threaten
anyone else.  this stemmed from me making music for years, and the anxiety
that comes with releasing it, as opposed to doing it for the love of the
art.  my opinion only.

I dont think musicians that make money from music are doing anything
wrong... if I did, I'd be alienating a large number of my friends...

I think money dirties the art, and I dont need record labels to distro my
stuff anymore to the REAL audience.  I can put it in the hands of the
audience via the internet.  I choose to embrace the technology instead of
fighting it.

I know some of you disagree, and I knew it before I sent the mail.  sooo,
save the counter-point emails to me, because this is my own opinion, and
nothing Im trying to push on the world.  I already traded the cash for the
soul of my tracks, I've made my choice.

and no one ever said the musicians dont DESERVE the money, but for me,
selling tracks is like putting my daughter out on the corner to turn tricks.
sure I COULD make money from music, but at the expense of my soul and the
emotion behind the tracks.

trying to address the torrent of emails I received in response in one
conglomerate email,


----- Original Message ----- 
To: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2003 1:13 PM
Subject: Re: (313) downloading, peer-to-peer, etc

> >(i tend to believe, as a producer, that all music, as a
> >form of art, should be free and that no one should make a
> >living as a musician)
> most musicians don't - maybe nobody should make a living off of musicians
> they way that unscrupulous record labels do?
> I think that would be a better situation.
> I'm not a recording artist but couldn't musician's unions be a bit
> in fighting the status quo of contracts and payment? Seems like the larger
> unions are in bed with the IIRC and the major media corps.

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