So making public political protest is pointless?
Let's all just sit back doing and saying nothing, that'll show 'em!
Just because Herbert is making a more obvious political point, doesn't mean
that it detracts from his brilliant music. Not to mention how interesting it
makes his live shows. Anyone else see him at the RFH recently doing the big
band thing?

There's some info about why he does the Radioboy thing here: along with tracks to download.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dennis DeSantis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Kent williams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "313 list" <>
Sent: 11 January 2004 02:04
Subject: Re: (313) Madga vs Magda

> Kent williams wrote:
> > He makes the promoter buy them ;-)
> >
> > I don't think it's about boycotting them, it's about destroying them.
> > You have to buy them to destroy them but ... well he's not pure. To be
> > pure about it, he'd have to steal them to destroy them, and that's just
> > no practical.
> I´m not a big fan of McDonalds either.  So I don´t spend money there.
> I love Herbert´s music.  But as a political statement, this stuff
> has about the same socioeconomic effect as the French wine "boycott"
> orchestrated by the American Right before the Iraq war.
> Once you give them your money, they´ve won.  The game is over.
> --
> Dennis DeSantis

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