Nicole Slavin wrote:
So making public political protest is pointless?

No. Making public political protest that involves contributing money to causes you´re protesting against is pointless.

Let's all just sit back doing and saying nothing, that'll show 'em!

I´m all for saying and doing lots. But putting money into their accounts doesn´t strike me as the most effective solution.

Just because Herbert is making a more obvious political point, doesn't mean
that it detracts from his brilliant music.

I agree that the music is brilliant. But watching him destroy a McDonalds cup that he PAID FOR isn´t a political protest - it´s a contribution to McDonald´s.

Ok, sorry to ruffle feathers on this one. It´s way off-topic, I know. I didn´t realize it´d keep going this far.

I just think it´s important that people remain able to separate high-quality art from low-quality activism.

Dennis DeSantis

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