hello. we posted this issue a while ago op my (dutch) weblog.
it has something to do with the distributers.. One claims that they have the
exclusive rights for europe. (it was a belgium distributer) later on I had a
conversation with some shop owners, who claimed that if they wanted to make
any profit they had to marge on the records up to 80%.

We also tried to ask axis for an explanation. but it did not work out so

kind regards

kijk ondertussen op:
Rebelbass weblog @ 3voor12: http://www.3voor12.vpro.nl/rebelbass
Rebelbass home:  http://www.rebelbass.com

> So, how come that new Jeff Mills project is £10.99 per twelve?
> That's £32.97 if you want the triple LP. ($60.50 Eu47.80)
> "See The Light". I certainly have Jeff, I've seen your porsche and all, you
> thieving git.
> and that Mahogani. £7.49 for half a one sided 12"?
> pah.
> Is there a reason? am I missing something?
> answers on a postcard please.
> many thanks.
> alex
> *pricing watchdog co-ordinator*
> or
> *moaning dumb fool mug punter*
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