I'm sorry, but I see no decent excuses for this kind of pricing whatsoever,
especially for a label as huge as Axis.  As was the case with the Peacefrog
limited editions, it's blatently just using peoples addiction to rare vinyl
as an excuse for jacking the prices through the roof to make a large profit.
I'm all for limited releases, but it's just cheap to charge more for them.

At the moment, if I press up 800 copies of a release it costs about £1200
(less in N.America), and on a standard price to distributors (which = about
£5.50 in the stores) it takes about 500 sales to break even.  So to double
that price and claim it's to cover costs is ridiculous.  Whilst the figures
for a small independant label are tight as hell, I seriously doubt raising
the prices will help - distributors and stores would take an accordingly
higher cut, and sales would probably drop a bit as people find their
addictions harder and harder to sustain.

For Axis, it strikes me as pure greed - they know damn well that they will
sell out every single copy, and the profit to them will be huge (percentage
wise, at least).  The bit about prices being forced up by the distributors
is ridiculous - a label with the clout of Jeff's can easily keep their
distributor to a set standard markup.  It just seems like elitism - he knows
people lap up everything he puts out, and can basically charge what he
wants.   People might complain, but they'll still shell out...  Leaving less
cash to support other, smaller outfits...

Grrrrr.... ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: robin
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; 313@hyperreal.org
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 3:00 PM
Subject: RE: (313) axis

hmmm well it's these kind of things that make me grumble too. the
argument that if you don't like the price don't buy it doesn't wash
either (vinyl is an addiction to most around here)...

so mebbe vinyl is becoming more of a niche thing (most independent stuff
has runs of say 1500 if yer lucky) and this is a way of recouping the
costs. if you follow that through we're looking at a new price for 12s
aren't we? but won't this mean vinyl becomes more niche?

the above angle only holds for mahogani tho, not axis due to their
respective sizes.


-> So, how come that new Jeff Mills project is £10.99 per twelve?
-> That's £32.97 if you want the triple LP. ($60.50 Eu47.80)
-> "See The Light". I certainly have Jeff, I've seen your
-> porsche and all, you
-> thieving git.
-> and that Mahogani. £7.49 for half a one sided 12"?
-> pah.
-> Is there a reason? am I missing something?
-> answers on a postcard please.
-> many thanks.
-> alex
-> *pricing watchdog co-ordinator*
-> or
-> *moaning dumb fool mug punter*

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