Martin wrote on Wed, 14 Jan 2004 about following:

> Back it up, well LAME is a piece of reversed engineered code that is open
> source 

now, this is completely off-topic and i apologize about taking part on 
this but i feel like saying a word here. 

LAME doesn't contain anything reverse-engineered. It is definitely up 
there with mpeg layer 3 encoders like Audio Active Production studio 
(which, at least few years ago, was the industry standard). 

>From the lame web site: 

Following the great history of GNU naming, LAME originally stood for 
LAME Ain't an Mp3 Encoder. LAME started life as a GPL'd patch against 
the dist10 ISO demonstration source, and thus was incapable of 
producing an mp3 stream or even being compiled by itself. But in May 
2000, the last remnants of the ISO source code were replaced, and now 
LAME is the source code for a fully LGPL'd MP3 encoder, with speed and 
quality to rival all commercial competitors..

back to the beats, 
Timing must be perfect now.  Two-timing must be better than perfect.

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