> Martin wrote on Wed, 14 Jan 2004 about following:
> > Back it up, well LAME is a piece of reversed engineered code that is
> > source
> now, this is completely off-topic and i apologize about taking part on
> this but i feel like saying a word here.
> LAME doesn't contain anything reverse-engineered. It is definitely up
> there with mpeg layer 3 encoders like Audio Active Production studio
> (which, at least few years ago, was the industry standard).

Wrong fella, how do you think they worked out how to encode? They wouldn't
pay for the  patent license nor would they have access to the source code,
so there is only one way, - ice it, however, they aren't going to put that
on the site are they - it's illegal to do it... And believe me it's not
industry standard - 20yrs vs a quick blast in google...I don't know any
proffessional company that uses it.

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