> the counter-intuitive part of mixing is tuning your perception to two
> different streams of audio at the same time.

statements like this sounds a lot like people who used to say it was
un-natural for people to listen to music made by machines.

something isn't un-natural just because you're not used to it.

> -> Kids are cool with it and they don't give a frig about all
> -> the gubbings,
> -> kinda like my old man moaning about having to buy CD's -
> -> it's over...As cool
> -> as I think records are the next generation don't care and
> -> you won't make
> -> them either...
> well your kids are cool with it because it's free (and seen as
> rebelious) at the moment. when the music industry have all this locked
> down (and let's face it they are getting there) and people are paying 15
> quid (usual CD price) to download just data then they may face some
> resistance.
> robin...
> -> Martin
> ->
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