count me in!

At 10:33 am +0000 17/2/04, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Hi Michael.

Where exactly is Cathedral Gardens? It's not the free castlefield open
air thing is it? - I was born there, lived there for 18 years and I
still don't know where things are.
I was thinking too, I guess quite a few 313 folk will be in Manc for
this. Wasn't there some noise about doing a 313 party up North? Dunno if
it'd be possible to coincide something?

Well, since the IRA bombed the f**k out of us, that end of Manchester has
seen a bit of regeneration and has changed quite a bit. The Cathedral is
almost right outside Victoria Station, and cathedral gardens are outside
the brand new URBIS building (a museum/exhibition space dedicated to modern
urban living), which in turn is bang opposite Victoria station. (bottom end
of the arndale virtually)

So, it's going to be some sort of outdoor thing by the looks of things,
which is odd, because you know its going to rain.

I thought last night about a party. I'll get in touch with the people who
have booked B.C and see if I can find out a time that they're going to
play. IF its early enough, I guess we could do a party afterwards. I know a
couple of places we could use that would cost nothing. I've been to a few
futuresonic things before, and they're not really parties as such, more a
showcase of music like a gig if you know what I mean.

The only thing is of course is that something mad could happen and they
dont end up doing it. But then these guys managed to get us Rhythm & Sound
about 4/5 years ago, so cant see it not happening. My mate who does the
guardian guide was telling me last night that they promised a load of stuff
last year that didnt happen - I dont remember that personally, but I have a
good feeling about this. I think Baked Goods booked the artists for this

so the question is now, are people genuinely interested in coming up? and
would be interested in a 313 party. Us Manchester boys can act as your
hosts, my crew will be up for it for sure. Danny Webb (lurking somewhere),
Robin & Chris - you up for lending a hand, pooling resources? Give me a

so, yeah, if people would be interested could you hit me up privately, need
to get a rough idea of whether its worth it? could maybe get a 'special
guest' up?



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