I nearly wet pants at the post that said "techno without the 4/4 drum is


>Does it matter that we're so cut off from the mainstream?

We'll always be outsiders - which is cool by me...


4/3/04 1:44 PM Dan [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> Well you certainly got the goat of some of the people posting on that thread
> Martin. Those were the bits that I found quite funny/stroke interesting.
> Despite the general (possibly artificial) atmosphere of 'fluffy niceness' that
> the Big Chill forums have, some of the responses to your posts were noticeably
> 'un-nice' or positively lairy. It seemed to me that they were all very happy
> spreading their niceness among themselves, but the minute you challenged them
> they became quite abusive....
> Just to keep it relevant to 313, I was quite surprised (or perhaps not?) by
> the total ignorance of most people posting on that thread about what 313
> techno even was.
> Then again, I think it's easy to forget that despite the often furious
> devotion of most/all people on this list to music from Detroit, the vast
> majority even of music lovers haven't a clue what we're on about. What's more
> they probably don't care, despite the historical debt to Detroit of almost any
> form of electronic music that they might care to listen to.
> I made me feel like the Japanese WWII soldier in the film, who's still sitting
> on a tiny isolated pacific island 40 years after the end of the war, waiting
> for further instructions from his commanders.
> Does it matter that we're so cut off from the mainstream?
> You wrote:
>> I should point out that we did that for a joke after the snotty mouth we got
>> off the promoter - I don't know if you've been but it's like a large meeting
>> of people who read the Guardian with the volume set to about 4 - great if
>> your white, middle class, with kids and in the C2 and above social group.
>> Martin
>> 4/3/04 12:15 PM [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> From: "Dan Bean" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Date: 4 March 2004 12:13:17 GMT
>>>> To: robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> Subject: (313) Big Chill vs Detroit Techno (wasThe story of the
>>>> Original Hot Mix 5)
>>>> Interesting thread there Robin
>>>> If there are any other work avoiders out there check this link I was
>>>> sent the other day:
>>>> http://www.bigchill.net/forum/read.php?f=1&i=396885&t=396885
>>>> It's quite a long thread featuring 313's Martin Dust and assorted Big
>>>> Chill forum people arguing about/slagging off techno among other
>>>> things.
>>>> Quite funny in places and maybe a timely reality check on how techno
>>>> is sometimes perceived from 'the outside'?
>>>> P.S. Candi Staton - You Got The Love - TUNE!
>>>> You wrote:
>>>>>>> Candi Staton - You got the love - source records
>>>>> been playing this quite a bit recently, my neighbours (who are in
>>>>> their
>>>>> 60's) gave it to me!
>>>>> to keep to the subject just been reading this thread on DHP,  features
>>>>> Kenny Jammin
>>>>> Jason, nice house background in there...
>>>>> http://rose107.biostat.wisc.edu/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?
>>>>> ubb=get_topic&f=11&t=002550
>>>>> robin...

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