Do you happen to know if he got legal clearance for the Steve Reich


Just out of interest. Do you think anyone in techno pays for their samples?
I admit, there's a huge difference between, for example, Dave Clarke and
say, Jochem who just said he earnt 86 euro's from his last record.

But, really, is it worth it?

Clever sample heads disguise their samples too well anyway.

But by disguising your samples, you end up with entirely new sounds - valid, but not referential. If the goal of using the sample in the first place was to BE referential, then mangling it will lose the point.

This is why if I want acoustic samples, I usually take them from my own acoustic music, or music that's deeply in the public domain. I swiped Brahms for a track on my next album, for example.

I suppose I could get sued by the performers who made the original recording....

Dennis DeSantis

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