Zap Mama : Bandy Bandy

I think you said in your post that you'd listened to a snatch of this and
picked it up as it sounded different.  My impression on listening to it in
the shop was that it was not one of C2s strongest moments - in fact I really
disliked it!  Now you've got the record home and had more time to consider
it can you tell me if I need to revisit and reassess?

there was a remix of another zap mama tune on shelter last year, think it was a track off the album 'seven'. the album they did after that was quite electro influenced from what i can remember, never bought it though. i loved the earlier work of zap mama [some of it was used in a movie by matthieu kassovitz called 'metisse'] just beautiful female accapellas, always loved the rhythm of those songs. haven't heard this release, but i am curious to find out what c2 has done to zap mama.


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